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Scarlett's Blog

Site Changes and new Features

Written on Tue 05 Jun 2012

We have made some changes to the way Scarlet Mist handles Offers and Questions.

If you ask a question to a ticket-seller then your question, and their reply, will be visible to all users of the site. We have made this change so that other people can benefit from reading what the Seller has answered, particularly if it clarifies the ticket information or provides additional detail.

We have also changed the way that Offers are processed. Once you make an offer then you will not receive a reply from the Seller until he or she decides to accept or reject your offer. We have made this change because we have noticed some Sellers have been sending emails to Buyers asking for payment without formally accepting or rejecting their offer - this makes it hard for other Buyers to know what is going on.


Comments on 'Site Changes and new Features'

Yep I like it, anything that can make the process more transparent is a good thing. Thanks & Keep up the good work guys….

Posted by Chongy on 07 Jun 2012      Report abuse or inappropriate comments

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